Wednesday 16th April 2025
Regular Meeting, Tyle 7.30pm:
Minutes, Correspondence
FC Degree
© Copyright – Lodge Kelso & Tweed N0.58 2020-2025
Websmaster: TJ Slater
Lodge Kelso & Tweed 58 (herein after referred to as the ‘The Lodge’) recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of the visitors to the Lodge Website. Any personal data collected through the Lodge Website will be regarded and treated as confidential and in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998. However, the collection of such data is unintentional as the Lodge has not designed or consciously put in place any system designed to collect personal information.
The Lodge intends that the information published on the Lodge Website is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the Website does not constitute legal or professional advice, guidance or recommendation and the Lodge, its Office Bearers, Trustees and members, and each of them, will not accept any liability for actions arising from its use nor will they be held responsible for the contents of any Website or other source referenced by any external link.
A “cookie” is a small data file that certain Websites write to a hard drive when a user visits that Website. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information a user personally supplies. A cookie cannot read data from a user’s hard disk or read cookie files created by other Websites. Cookies, however, enhance a Website’s performance in a number of ways including providing a secure way for to identity verification during a visit to a Website and personalizing the user’s experience with the Lodge Website while making it more convenient for the user.
The Lodge may therefore use cookie technology to track or record information about visitors to the Lodge Website. These cookies are “session specific” and are not used to record personal information or to associate personal information with the use of the Lodge services. Privacy and security are not compromised if and when the user accepts a cookie from the Lodge Website. Users can refuse cookies by turning them off on their web browsers (see under “Tools” and then “Internet Options”) and users do not need to have cookies turned on to successfully use the Website. If you are in any doubt about Cookies, we suggest that you navigate away from this Website
Questions or Suggestions:
If anyone has any questions or suggestions regarding this policy or considers the Lodge is not properly adhering to it then the Lodge invites information and contents to be sent to the Lodge through the undernoted contact: The Webmaster via the “Contact Us” page.
Wednesday 16th April 2025
Regular Meeting, Tyle 7.30pm:
Minutes, Correspondence
FC Degree
© Copyright – Lodge Kelso & Tweed N0.58 2020-2025
Websmaster: TJ Slater